Mars 2020 se va numi Perseverance
06-03-2020 15:52
Curiosity. InSight. Spirit. Opportunity. If you think about it, all of these names of past Mars rovers are qualities we possess as humans. We are always curious, and seek opportunity. We have the spirit and insight to explore the Moon, Mars, and beyond. But, if rovers are to be the qualities of us as a race, we missed the most important thing. Perseverance. We as humans evolved as creatures who could learn to adapt to any situation, no matter how harsh. We are a species of explorers, and we will meet many setbacks on the way to Mars. However, we can persevere. We, not as a nation but as humans, will not give up. Even faced with bitter losses such as Opportunity and Vikram 2, the human race will always persevere into the future.

Acesta este eseul castigator in competitia de atribuire a unui nume viitoarei misiuni martiene a NASA, Mars 2020. El apartine lui Alexander Mather, un elev de clasa a saptea din Springfield, Virginia si a fost selectat din peste 28000 de propuneri initiale, in urma unei campanii desfasurate in ultimele luni.
Alex va fi invitat de agentia americana in iulie la Cape Canaveral, sa urmareasca lansarea lui Perseverance, care este asteptat sa ajunga la planeta rosie in februarie 2021.
Roverul este in acest moment in Florida, la Kennedy Space Center, acolo unde se desfasoara ultimele activitati de integrare si testare.

De remarcat interesul crescut pentru acest eveniment inregistrat in tara noastra, in final situata pe pozitia a treia la nivel global cu 20114 voturi, dupa SUA (509338 voturi) si Turcia (24664 voturi).

Mars 2020 isi cauta un nume

Credit NASA

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