World Space Week / Saptamana mondiala a spatiului cosmic 2011
04-10-2011 09:02
Saptamana mondiala a spatiului cosmic

In fiecare an in perioada 4-10 octombrie se desfasoara Săptămâna Mondială a Spaţiului Cosmic un eveniment initiat si coordonat de Adunarea Generala a ONU. Pentru 2011 tema propusa este aniversarea a 50 de ani de zbor cu echipaj uman.
Ca si anul trecut echipa SpaceAlliance a decis sa promoveze acest eveniment printr-o actiune proprie. Astfel, in aceasta perioada vom incerca sa culegem cat mai multe intrebari de la cititorii nostri interesati de tehnologia spatiala si in masura in care reusim sa le oferim raspunsuri.

Intrebarile pot fi adresate pe forum, in cadrul topicului "World Space Week/Saptamana mondiala a spatiului cosmic 2011"  sau direct pe email la adresa, noi le vom centraliza si mai tarziu veti primi raspunsurile. In speranta ca aceasta actiune se va bucura de interesul dumneavoastra tinem sa multumim in avans tuturor celor care vor participa.

World Space Week

This year, from 4 to 10 October, the 12th World Space Week will take place-an event initiated and coordinated by the United Nations General Assembly.
The theme of this year's event is "50 Years of Human Spaceflight" and the SpaceAlliance team has decided to promote the event with an individual initiative. During this period we will try to collect your questions about the space technology and if possible to answer it.
It is intended therefore to establish an active dialog between our technical team and you the large public.
The questions can be addressed directly here under the topic "World Space Week 2011" or by mail under, we will collect it and later you will get the answers. Hoping this will bring many questions we would like to thank in advance to all the participants.

50 years of human spaceflight

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